Fazal Mahmood & Company


Audit & Reviews

  • Statutory / External audit
  • Special purpose audit (includes Donor Requested Audits),
  • Review,
  • Due Diligence,
  • Internal control audits according to national regulations & international standards
  • Agreed-upon procedures,
  • Compilation of reports,
  • Conducted Sales Tax Audits as appointed by the C.B.R / FBR (Federal Board of Revenue)
  • Firm has also been appointed by Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan as inspectors to conduct specialized investigative audits about the affairs of the companies.


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According to Commission’s Circular No. 2 of 2015 dated 1.1.2015 read with Circular No. 4 of 2015, Circular No. 5 of 2015 dated 30.1.2015, Circular No. 28/ 2015 dated 10-08-2015, Circular No. 16/2016 dated 11-04-2016 and Circular No. 34 of 2016 dated November 07, 2016, all those associations which were issued licence under section 42 of the Companies Act, 2017 and have already completed five (5) years from the date of issue of licence, are required to make an application for Renewal of license to the Commission.
The application shall be duly signed and made by a responsible officer of the association (a chief executive, director or company secretary) with the subject: “Application for Renewal of License under Section 42 to M/s. “, and addressed to:
The Commissioner (CCD-CLD),
Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan,
63-Jinnah Avenue, NIC Building, Blue Area,
The following information/documents shall be submitted alongwith the application:
(a) Original paid bank challan of Rs. 25,000/-, as License fee as prescribed in Sixth Schedule of the Companies Act, 2017, in the authorized branches of MCB Bank Limited or United Bank Limited.
(b) Resume of each of the existing chief executive and directors (As per Annex-I) in case of any change in the list of promoters/directors as provided at the time of grant of license/last renewal of license.
(c) Affidavit by chief executive and all directors affirming that they are not defaulters of loans, associated with money laundering or terrorist financing activities, etc. (As per Annex-I)
(d) List of existing members with their occupations, residential addresses, contact numbers and copies of CNICs in case of any change in the list of members as stated in the last Form-B filed by the association with concerned registrar (Company Registration Office).
(e) Details of the amounts of local and foreign donations and grants received during last five (5) years with details of the donors indicating their names, country of origin (in case of foreign donor) and complete address duly certified by the Chartered Accountants that funds/donations was/were received through banking channel and are in conformity with the books of account of the association.
(f) Statement of the work done/projects undertaken by the association during the last three years.
(g) Affidavit of the person who has signed the application affirming correctness of contents of
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the application and enclosures thereof (As per Annex-II).
The Commission on being satisfied about the past corporate behavior of the company, after such enquiry and obtaining such further information, as it may consider necessary, that it shall be in the public interest so to do, may renew t h e license for further period of five years, subject to such conditions as it may deem fit to impose.
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[To be used in application for grant of license under section 42 of the Companies Act, 2017]
Promoter’s Name:
NIC (Computerized)/Passport No. (in case of foreigner)
Old NIC No.
National Tax Number:
Date of Birth / Age:
Father’s/Husband’s Name:
Postal Address:
Permanent Address:
Email / Telephone / Fax No.
Educational Qualifications: __________________________________________________
Experience Details (with dates, period, organizations, nature of projects/work responsibilities):
A. Now working as (describing offices held at the moment and related work responsibilities):
B. Previous Experience relating to Main Objects of the Association now being formed:
1. ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
C. Other Experience:
1. ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
Signature: ________________________
Name: ________________________
[To be signed by the promoter himself /herself or the authorized person presenting documents]
Note: If needed, the space for experience detail may be expanded or extra pages annexed.
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AFFIDAVIT AFFIDAVIT (For Renewal of License) (For Renewal of License)
, Mr./Miss/Mrs Mr./Miss/Mrs Mr./Miss/Mrs Mr./Miss/Mrs Mr./Miss/Mrs Mr./Miss/MrsMr./Miss/Mrs. ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ son/daughter/wifeon/daughter/wife on/daughter/wifeon/daughter/wife on/daughter/wifeon/daughter/wife on/daughter/wife on/daughter/wifeon/daughter/wifeon/daughter/wifeon/daughter/wifeon/daughter/wife ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ of resident of resident of resident of resident of resident of resident of resident of resident of resident of resident __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ promoter/subscriber of promoter/subscriber of promoter/subscriber of promoter/subscriber of promoter/subscriber of promoter/subscriber of promoter/subscriber of promoter/subscriber of promoter/subscriber of promoter/subscriber of promoter/subscriber of promoter/subscriber of promoter/subscriber of promoter/subscriber of promoter/subscriber of promoter/subscriber of promoter/subscriber of promoter/subscriber of _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________, (proposed) do hereby, solemnly , (proposed) do hereby, solemnly , (proposed) do hereby, solemnly , (proposed) do hereby, solemnly , (proposed) do hereby, solemnly , (proposed) do hereby, solemnly , (proposed) do hereby, solemnly , (proposed) do hereby, solemnly , (proposed) do hereby, solemnly , (proposed) do hereby, solemnly , (proposed) do hereby, solemnly , (proposed) do hereby, solemnly , (proposed) do hereby, solemnly , (proposed) do hereby, solemnly , (proposed) do hereby, solemnly , (proposed) do hereby, solemnly , (proposed) do hereby, solemnly , (proposed) do hereby, solemnly , (proposed) do hereby, solemnly , (proposed) do hereby, solemnly , (proposed) do hereby, solemnly , (proposed) do hereby, solemnly , (proposed) do hereby, solemnly , (proposed) do hereby, solemnly , (proposed) do hereby, solemnly affirm and testify that: affirm and testify that:affirm and testify that:affirm and testify that:affirm and testify that:affirm and testify that: affirm and testify that:affirm and testify that: affirm and testify that:affirm and testify that: affirm and testify that:affirm and testify that:affirm and testify that: affirm and testify that: affirm and testify that:
1. 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d) d) d) neither I nor companies in which am a director or major shareholder have defaulted neither I nor companies in which am a director or major shareholder have defaulted neither I nor companies in which am a director or major shareholder have defaulted neither I nor companies in which am a director or major shareholder have defaulted neither I nor companies in which am a director or major shareholder have defaulted neither I nor companies in which am a director or major shareholder have defaulted neither I nor companies in which am a director or major shareholder have defaulted neither I nor companies in which am a director or major shareholder have defaulted neither I nor companies in which am a director or major shareholder have defaulted neither I nor companies in which am a director or major shareholder have defaulted neither I nor companies in which am a director or major shareholder have defaulted neither I nor companies in which am a director or major shareholder have 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defaulted neither I nor companies in which am a director or major shareholder have defaulted in paying taxes as on the date of application;in paying taxes as on the date of application; in paying taxes as on the date of application;in paying taxes as on the date of application;in paying taxes as on the date of application; in paying taxes as on the date of application; in paying taxes as on the date of application; in paying taxes as on the date of application; in paying taxes as on the date of application;in paying taxes as on the date of application; in paying taxes as on the date of application; in paying taxes as on the date of application;in paying taxes as on the date of application;in paying taxes as on the date of application; in paying taxes as on the date of application; in paying taxes as on the date of application;in paying taxes as on the date of application; in paying taxes as on the date of application; in paying taxes as on the date of application;in paying taxes as on the date of application;in paying taxes as on the date of application;in paying taxes as on the date of application;in paying taxes as on the date of application;in paying taxes as on the date of application; in paying taxes as on the date of application;in paying taxes as on the date of application;
e) e) e) I have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting coopera I have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting coopera I have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting coopera I have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting coopera I have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting coopera I have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting coopera I have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting coopera I have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting coopera I have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting coopera I have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting coopera I have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting coopera I have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting coopera I have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting coopera I have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting coopera I have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting coopera I have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting coopera I have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting coopera I have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperaI have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting coopera I have not been a sponsor, director or chief executive of defaulting cooperative finance tive finance tive finance tive finance tive finance tive finance tive finance tive finance society or finance company; society or finance company;society or finance company;society or finance company;society or finance company; society or finance company;society or finance company; society or finance company;society or finance company;society or finance company; society or finance company; society or finance company;society or finance company;society or finance company;society or finance company; society or finance company;
f) f) I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral I have never been convicted of fraud or breach trust an offend involving moral turpitude or removed from services for misconduct;turpitude or removed from services for misconduct; 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g) g) g) I have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in makiI have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in makiI have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in maki I have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in maki I have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in makiI have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in maki I have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in makiI have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in maki I have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in makiI have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in makiI have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in maki I have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in makiI have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in makiI have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in makiI have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in makiI have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in makiI have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in maki I have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in makiI have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in maki I have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in makiI have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in maki I have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in makiI have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in makiI have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in maki I have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in makiI have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in makiI have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in maki I have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in makiI have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in maki I have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in makiI have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in makiI have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in maki I have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in maki I have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in makiI have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in makiI have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in maki I have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in maki I have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in maki I have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in makiI have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in makiI have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in maki I have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in makiI have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in makiI have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in makiI have neither been adjudged an insolvent nor defaulted in making payments to ng payments to ng payments to ng payments to ng payments to ng payments to ng payments to ng payments to ng payments to ng payments to ng payments to ng payments to my creditors; andmy creditors; andmy creditors; and my creditors; andmy creditors; and my creditors; andmy creditors; andmy creditors; andmy creditors; andmy creditors; and my creditors; and
h) h) the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed the funds raised shall be spent for objects of proposed association association associationassociationassociation and for other and for other and for other and for other and for other and for other and for other and for other and for other and for other lawful purposes.lawful purposes. lawful purposes. lawful purposes.lawful purposes.lawful purposes.lawful purposes.lawful purposes.lawful purposes.lawful purposes.lawful purposes. lawful purposes.
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Witness to above:Witness to above:Witness to above:Witness to above:Witness to above:Witness to above:Witness to above:Witness to above:Witness to above:Witness to above:Witness to above:Witness to above:Witness to above: Witness to above:Witness to above:Witness to above: (Signature)(Signature) (Signature)(Signature) (Signature)(Signature)(Signature)(Signature) _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _____ _____ _
Signature __________Signature __________Signature __________Signature __________Signature __________Signature __________Signature __________Signature __________ Signature __________Signature __________ Signature __________ __________ ____________________ __________ Dated: ___________Dated: ___________ Dated: ___________Dated: ___________Dated: ___________ Dated: ___________ Dated: ___________ Dated: ___________ _
Name ________________________________Name ________________________________Name ________________________________Name ________________________________Name ________________________________Name ________________________________ Name ________________________________ Name ________________________________ Name ________________________________ Name ________________________________ Name ________________________________ Name ________________________________
CNIC No. _____________________________CNIC No. _____________________________CNIC No. _____________________________CNIC No. _____________________________CNIC No. _____________________________CNIC No. _____________________________CNIC No. _____________________________CNIC No. _____________________________CNIC No. _____________________________CNIC No. _____________________________ CNIC No. _____________________________ CNIC No. _____________________________ CNIC No. _____________________________ CNIC No. _____________________________ CNIC No. _____________________________
Address _______________________________
Attested by an Oath Commissioner
[under his Stamp]

Audit & Reviews

  • Statutory / External audit
  • Special purpose audit (includes Donor Requested Audits),
  • Review,
  • Due Diligence,
  • Internal control audits according to national regulations & international standards
  • Agreed-upon procedures,
  • Compilation of reports,
  • Conducted Sales Tax Audits as appointed by the C.B.R / FBR (Federal Board of Revenue)
  • Firm has also been appointed by Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan as inspectors to conduct specialized investigative audits about the affairs of the companies.


  • Accounting and Financial Reporting

  • External Audit

  • Internal Audit

  • Fraud Investigation & Dispute Services 

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