Fazal Mahmood & Company


Audit & Reviews

  • Statutory / External audit
  • Special purpose audit (includes Donor Requested Audits),
  • Review,
  • Due Diligence,
  • Internal control audits according to national regulations & international standards
  • Agreed-upon procedures,
  • Compilation of reports,
  • Conducted Sales Tax Audits as appointed by the C.B.R / FBR (Federal Board of Revenue)
  • Firm has also been appointed by Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan as inspectors to conduct specialized investigative audits about the affairs of the companies.


Companies are recognizing that globally, more stakeholders are looking for businesses to bring value to their societies and environment while managing the business impacts thereon. Understanding these impacts can drive improvements to corporate strategy and day to day operations. What is becoming increasingly evident is that a sound sustainability strategy protects a company’s reputation; it drives innovation and employee engagement, it satisfies consumers and attracts and retains top talent; it demonstrates compliance and leads to market differentiation – all key ingredients for long-term growth and profitability. Stakeholders also want to know about an organization’s sustainability performance and how it is accurately reporting on its corporate activities.

We help companies to understand their sustainability related risks and opportunities, embed it into their core business and strategy and reporting, monitor and assure their performances. Our sustainability experts help companies in the following activities:

Sustainability Strategy

  • Identify and prioritize key issues of sustainability / CSR. This will help companies recognize and better manage risk, improve efficiency, revenue potential, growth and other opportunities.
  • Develop and deliver a robust sustainability program that includes prioritized initiatives, enablers, milestones, key performance indicators, and measurable targets.
  • Advise on global best practices on sustainability and CSR

Sustainability Reporting and Assurance

  • Development of Sustainability Reports in accordance with G3.1 guidelines of Global reporting Initiative (GRI), UNGC principles of ‘Communication on Progress’ (CoP), ICAP’s Best Sustainability Report Award criteria and other recognized standards and global best practices. (PwC is one of the founding members of GRI)
  • Verification, assurance and certification of sustainability reports to build trust, confidence and transparency of your sustainability reports.
  • Develop information and monitoring system for sustainability
  • EHS / Environmental Audit

Stakeholder Engagement

  • Design and conduct stakeholder engagement activities (including surveys, interviews and other activities) for communities, employees, suppliers, customers and other stakeholders.
  • Identify and assess the relevant requirements of all stakeholders
  • Conduct in house training sessions / workshops on sustainability and CSR
  • Capacity building of senior management on Sustainability  / CSR issues

GHG Accounting and Measurement

  • Develop carbon footprint inventory – accounting and measurement of Green House Gases’ emissions
  • Manage low carbon and climate change goals of companies by analyzing their carbon/environmental footprint

Supply Chain and Operations

  • Assess the risks associated with your supply chain and the steps necessary to protect your brand.
  • Consider best practice from across a range of industry sectors
  • Define the characteristics you require from your suppliers in order to make sure they’re sustainable.
  • Monitor and manage environmental, social and governance risks associated with your supply chain.
  • Measure the financial cost or potential impact of your carbon, water and other usage on the environment, and local communities
  • Integrate longer-term sustainability considerations into strategic sourcing and procurement strategies, policies and processes, and build staff competencies in this area to help them maximize the opportunities.

Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)

  • Identify emission reduction opportunities for CDM
  • Complete advisory on development of Project Idea Note (PIN) and Project Design Document (PDD), host country approval, validation, registration with the Executive Board of UNFCCC, verification and transaction phases

Audit & Reviews

  • Statutory / External audit
  • Special purpose audit (includes Donor Requested Audits),
  • Review,
  • Due Diligence,
  • Internal control audits according to national regulations & international standards
  • Agreed-upon procedures,
  • Compilation of reports,
  • Conducted Sales Tax Audits as appointed by the C.B.R / FBR (Federal Board of Revenue)
  • Firm has also been appointed by Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan as inspectors to conduct specialized investigative audits about the affairs of the companies.


  • Accounting and Financial Reporting

  • External Audit

  • Internal Audit

  • Fraud Investigation & Dispute Services 

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